(Winter) - Winter smilies and flix LIMITED
Winter is a group power that allows you to add a flix (animated object) to your chat, and also comes with some bonus smilies. There are 6 different flixes, 24 smilies and 4 backgrounds.
The more Winter powers assigned, the more flixes unlocked.
This power also comes with 4 backgrounds that can be used.
Effect: Choose which winter-themed flix animation to add to your chat. You can choose from: Santa sledge, Sleigh moon, Snowman, Santa chimney, Penguin march and Xmas tree.
Colors: Change the color of some flixes (not all of them are changeable). Example: r#g or FF00FF#0000FF. You can go to color-picker to find your own colors.
Horizontal offset (%): Change how far left or right the flix is placed. Minimum value of -100 and maximum of +100.
Vertical offset (%): Change how far up or down the flix is placed. Minimum value of -100 and maximum of +100.
Scale (%): Change the size of the flix. Minimum value of 1 and maximum of 1000.
Background: Change which winter themed background to show on your chat. You can choose from: None, Trees, Moon, Snow scape and Night sky.
Options (checkboxes): The winter flixes can be set to have No background, No snow or be flipped.
Tree Options:
Tree Bauble: Change what shape the tree baubles are. Choose from: circle, star xatsat (xat logo) and d.
Bauble transparency: Change the visibility of the baubles on the tree.
Glitter transparency: Change the visibility of the glitter around the tree.