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Example of chat with Cstyle

Cstyle is a group power that allows you to customize the appearance of your chat group. You can personalize elements such as the shape of the buttons and chat, apply exclusive chat themes, along with a variety of other options, to give your chat a modern and stylish look.

Note: Cstyle has no requirements. However, to fully utilize Cstyle's features, the powers Rankpool and Banpool are recommended.


To use Cstyle, first purchase it from the store, then visit the chat where you would like to assign the power. You can easily assign the power by typing it into the chat, clicking on it, and selecting the "Assign/Unassign" button. Alternatively, you can also assign the power via Quickbar.

Once Cstyle is assigned, you must activate the power by accessing the edit group page. To do so, hover over "group" at the top right of your chat and select "customize". Next, click on the "group powers" tab, scroll down, check the box for Cstyle, and save to activate the power. To edit the Cstyle options, go to the "appearance" tab on the group edit page, save your changes, and refresh the chat.


The "Styles" options, including pool color, chat name fx, chat border color and chat shadow, allow you to define custom colors. Simply click on the color wheel Colorwheel.png and select a color or enter a hex color code in the field. A description and preview of the other styles can be found below.

Button shape: Change the button shape by choosing from five options, including the default shape, rectangle, skewed left, skewed right and an elliptical design.

Skewed left
Skewed right

Button font: Change the font for the text on the buttons. In addition to the default font, you can choose from 10 other available styles.

Pool color: Change the background color of the pools and make them visually distinct. By default, rank and ban pool remain unchanged. To apply the color to all pools, enable "Also apply to rank and banpool".

Chat theme: You can also customize chat buttons and pools with 7 gradient themes to match the overall appearance of the chat. By default, the rank and ban pool will inherit a gradient effect when using a chat theme. Please note, this option overrides the pool and the button color setting and chat themes won’t show in


Chat name fx: Choose any color and add a flashing effect on the chat name of the main pool.

Chat shape: Customize your chat shape by selecting the default option or a rounded chat shape.

Chat border color: Create a stylish contrast by setting a solid border color for the chat.

Chat shadow: Choose any color and add a shadow effect to add depth to your chat.